2 chicken fillets
300 g smoked ham or bacon
500 g minced meat
1 onion
150 g mushrooms
200 g spinach
2-3 pickles
1 large carrot
100 g processed cheese
100 g cheese
pepper, paprika, salt
olive oil

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Cut the bacon into thin strips and arrange them on Greased foil. It put on preformed and seasoned chicken fillets of steak. Sprinkle with chopped spinach and stewed mushrooms in a little olive oil. Spread the seasoned mince top as you have added to it and finely grated onion and spices. Then in the middle arrange sliced julienne cucumbers and carrots (cooked in MB). Grate processed cheese and arrange pieces of cheese. With fthe oil wrap carefully roll. Sprinkle with a little paprika and olive oil. Move it into the tray with fthe oil coated and baked in a moderate oven about 1 hour. Before removing it from the oven, remove fthe oil to red top. Serve roll cut into pieces with mushroom sauce and potato salad or side dish of your choice.
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Binka. 78 and this proposal deserves applause! Bravo, me :)
Another interesting and representative offer! :)
Very impressive, bravo!