500 g of cooked chickpeas
200 g chicken breasts
1 large onion
2 peppers - green and red
1 small zucchini
2 peeled canned tomatoes
2 carrots
3- 4 sprigs coriander
4-5 tbsp olive oil (sunflower oil)
1 tsp white pepper
2-3 dried chillies Cayenne
1/2 tbsp turmeric

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Sliced onions and carrots on wheels pepper strips, zucchini cubes and chicken strips, stew in a pan with olive oil, salt and water - enough to cover them. When the vegetables are soft add the chopped tomatoes, pepper, powdered chili peppers and chickpeas. Let the stew to simmer so as not to remain water. Turn off the fire and add the finely chopped coriander, turmeric and mix well.
1 user
The recipe is on my taste - with meat, vegetables and very little fat. Became a delicious dish, although the taste of turmeric is less strong (for the second time use turmeric and yet I'm not accustomed). The water was pretty and does not evaporate completely, so I added a little starch to thickened sauce. Delicious and interesting meal!