500 g minced meat
100 g rice
1 onion
1 tsp savory
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tbsp paprika
12-14 peppers

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In 4-5 tbsp sunflower oil fry the chopped onion. Add the minced meat and stir with wooden spoon until minced meat become crumbs. Add the rice and fry - remaining fat. Season with spices, pour 1/3 cup water and boil on low heat to evaporate the liquid. Peppers are cleared from seminal part and filled with minced meat. Place in the pan, greased with sunflower oil, add water to cover them by half, top watered also with sunflower oil and bake in a moderate oven. During baking to turn golden brown on both sides. Serve with yogurt.
4 users
And so I do them, I love stuffed peppers in the oven! Try it and you! 5 for the recipe!
Well, how not to give 5 Miss :) These are my favorite peppers
A great recipe!
recipe is like a mom :) Super delicious!
Good recipe. I just do not have to add extra oil. Starters for the recipe.
Together with the pod can be filled and a few tomatoes. And a little before removing from the oven, you can sprinkle the top with grated cheese or parmesan ... for luxury!
Many obi4ame stuffed 4ushki whole family, I sometimes add and mushroom, polu4ava very, very tasty!
Once constipation watering them with yoghurt half an egg, 1sup spoon flour. Peppers covered by the sauce and become super
My way of preparation is similar. Put a spoonful of flour in the water which inundate pepper and 1 cup tomato juice. Do not Fry onion braise anything in the microwave for 2 minutes and rice polusvaren - addle mince with rice, onions and peppers and fill podpravkie
classic recipe with beautiful results.
I almost always do them with sauce, yogurt, eggs and flour. Great recipe.
recipe is great as long as you have someone to play with. I prepare *lazy* stuffed peppers. Absolutely 1 to 1, but not fill them, and cut them and put in the baking pan confused with everything ...