1 bunch fresh red onion
1 bunch fresh garlic
2 links greenery (orache, sorrel, dock, nettle, spinach)
2-4 eggs
100-120 g feta cheese
2-3 tbsp sunflower oil (olive oil)
fresh mint, dill
optional - colorful red pepper or salt

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Sliced red onion garlic and sauté for 3-4 minutes in the heated sunflower oil. Add well-cleaned and washed whole leaves of zeleniykite (if very large can be disruptive in large pieces). Stew 2-3 minutes just enough to lightly poizmenyat color and from settling. The mixture is seasoned with salt. Add chopped mint and dill. Place top tiles feta cheese and remove bruised eggs. Capped with a lid and wait for the eggs to be veiled. Upon presentation can be sprinkled with paprika or colored salt. * The recipe is Mira Radeva, sociologist from sending * Coffee * at Gala. I saved the name of the recipe - gyuvedzhe * * not * pot *.
1 user
Mira Radeva, sociologist from the show "Coffee with Gala"
Super retseptichka, hungry while reading it!
can be acidified with green damsons, where available fresh or canned. Of course, if used as green sorrel, is not necessary. I use spices like parsley and dill.
iris, Tony, I'm glad you like it. The dish is prepared very quickly. Preparation of products take longer than just cooking. I used salt bush and sorrel.
I loved the recipe, so I have not cooked The green, so will surely try.
Villas, I hope to stay happy.