5 oranges
250 g sugar + 4-5 tbsp sugar
250 ml water
cinnamon, cloves
2-3 tbsp rum or orange liqueur

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Oranges wash thoroughly with a brush. With a sharp knife Cut the rind of oranges to all flesh. Peeled oranges kept refrigerated until their next treatment. cortices two oranges cut into thin strips. Put in plenty of water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Leave to izkisnat for 1-2 hours in water. peeled oranges cut transversely into four slices. Impaled with a skewer or toothpick. Oranges arrange in the form of cake. boil up water, sugar and orange peel. Boil until the liquid remains half. pour the hot syrup over the oranges. Court fsunflower cover with oil and leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours. While browning oranges let their juice. Occasionally round oranges with syrup to obtain full marinating. After 24 hours, subtract oranges of sugar syrup in another court. Add to the sugar syrup still 1-2 tbsp sugar and again reducing its liquid by half. With the resulting syrup pour over oranges, the vessel was covered and left in a refrigerator again for 24 hours. Occasionally round oranges with syrup to obtain full marinating. After 24 hours, subtract oranges of sugar syrup in another court. Again oranges have released juice. Add to the sugar syrup still 1-2 tbsp sugar and boil on low heat until a golden brown thick syrup. oranges flavored with 2-3 tbsp rum or orange liqueur. Pour a light caramel with orange peels, adding cinnamon stick and cloves to taste. leave again oranges in the refrigerator to absorb flavors and syrup. Vadim skewers of oranges and orange served topped with syrup and orange peels.
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Adapted from * Desserts - Golden Collection - Elite Press, 2000. *