14-16 Lady fingers
# gourd cream filling:
400 g of seeds cleaned, peeled and cubed pumpkin
120 ml liquid unsweetened cooking cream
powdered sugar to taste
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
# For watering biscuits:
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp caramel syrup (can substitute apple juice or stewed quinces and pears)
1 tbsp bourbon (or another aromatic alcohol - brandy sherry, some kind of liqueur)
# For the topping on top:
250 g feta cheese Mascarpone
about 120 ml liquid unsweetened cooking cream
powdered sugar to taste

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Prepare a deep rectangular court. I used a rectangular baking dish with dimensions 22h12 cm (9h5-inch). Zastelete it with baking paper to cover the bottom and sides and slightly protrude above the tray from the long sides of the rectangle. This is necessary in order to remove the tiramisu and then bring it in dessert dish. If you do not use paper can not get out pieces of cake without undoing shape. Cook the pumpkin, drain well water and then pureed with a blender. Add cinnamon and ginger and mix well. Beat 120 ml cream with powdered sugar to taste, until you get a thick cream. Carefully add the cream with pureed pumpkin and stir gently until a homogeneous mixture. Mix in a bowl of bourbon, honey, caramel syrup and mix until blended. In the prepared baking dish arrange the first row biscuits (7-8). Using a teaspoon them pour half of the mixture of syrup. Apply biscuits with half the pumpkin cream. Place top half of biscuits, syrup them with remaining mixture and smear them with the second half of the pumpkin cream. Beat the mascarpone with the cream and powdered sugar, Dogan mix of smooth, thick cream. It takes a very short time, so do not prerazbivayte mixture. When the cream is at room temperature, it smears very easily. With a tablespoon of maskarponeniya put cream on the cake and carefully, without pressing straighten and smooth. Put tiramisu in a refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours, preferably overnight. Sprinkle it with unsweetened cocoa. * I have prepared biscuit cake * * Homeland instead of ladyfingers.
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