3 zucchini or eggplant
100 g cottage cheese
100 g feta cheese
50 g smoked cheese
50 g cheese
1 egg
pepper optional
3 tomatoes
olive oil
feta cheese Parmesan for sprinkling

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Courgettes cut lengthwise into thin is best cut with a potato grater, add salt and leave to soften. During this time, stuffing mix products like the feta cheese and the cheese is grated egg and add the pepper, the mixture should be thick. Greased baking dish with olive oil. In every piece of zucchini put the mixture and turn roll, redim one another as between them put a small piece of tomato. Once you put them all with a brush smeared with olive oil rolls. Bake until golden brown, removing them still hot sprinkle with parmesan cheese or optional. * Similarly rolls can turn and piece of eggplant can line up roll of zucchini, tomato slice , roll of eggplant, etc. * The filling can be changed optional, mince or a thick sauce beshemel with feta cheese.
2 users
Very well look, but no spices Do not put in the mix?
smoked cheese smells very nice but everyone can make stuffing as desired and add any odors. You and eggplant to do sometimes charge roll of zucchini, eggplant roll becomes very tasty!
not only looks good but also very tasty! The filling may be with mince, for who loves meat. Flowers, would you propose to add the title of the recipe *Rolls zucchini / eggplant / Cheese*. Great idea - and tasty, and beautiful!
Ina, I changed the recipe!
I like this version mixed with zucchini and eggplants :)
On the zucchini and put a strip of roasted pepper, stuffing and turn roll, sprinkled with a little bread crumbs.
There was no time for a second shot. I could only try one. Other finished in no time. Tasty, light and fast! BRAVO for Steffaneli!
Annie piece tomato put on both ends of rolls to insulate them easily after roast and not pour the filling, but you cope so well.
Oh, Steffaneli, that day I did three neshta ednovrvmenno, lunch time was approaching and I was wondering how to save from *starvation* diet your dashterya. Your idea saved me, and it sashto!Sledvashtiya time shte more careful in the details, they are important. Thank you, life learn !!!
I guess it's no matter where you put a piece of tomato, you proved it.
Great recipe - delicious and light. I love zucchini thus, especially cold. I do not always put tomato, but compulsory (on the recommendation of a friend) put in the mix wholesale crushed walnuts - it simply divine! :)