300-400 g (2 chapters) onion
# breading:
2 eggs
150 g flour
250 ml beer
1 tbsp sunflower oil
pinch of salt and pepper
flour breadcrumbs for rolling
# For the sauce:
3 tbsp mayonnaise
3 tbsp yogurt
1 sprig fresh onion - feathers
1-2 cloves garlic

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Onions are cleaned and cut into wafers with a thickness of 6-7 mm. The spacers separate the rings can and two (to not single) and flooded with cold water. Separate egg whites from yolks and breaking it snow. In another bowl mix the flour with the beer, add the egg yolks, the oil, salt and pepper, you can put other spices to your taste. Mix good and to this mixture add the beaten whites and gently stir. A fluffy. In deep pan heat up sunflower oil, at least 2 fingers, and each ringlet it deep them in flour, then in the breading and finally in bread crumbs and put frying, do not fill the container with many circles not to take the temperature of the fat to fry and turn golden. Ready arrange slices on paper towels to drain the fat. Prepare the sauce by mixing mayonnaise with yogurt and add them finely chopped green onions and crushed or finely chopped garlic and chopped dill. Serve with the sauce circles in a suitable container. Circles to dip in the sauce and so eat.
2 users
A great recipe! I prepare them in this way and are really tasty.
I make them often become very delicious. Like fried calamari.
Great recipe. I love it.