Salad with saccharified fruits Sofia

Submitted by enr on 30 Nov 2008
1 tsp 6-7 type saccharified fruit of your choice
1 tbsp finely chopped orange peel saccharified
2 slices of fresh orange (without skin)
2 slices of peeled apple
3 / 4 cups rum
3/4 cup cognac
1 cup cream and 2 tbsp icing sugar stirring it
walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts
grated chocolate
Slices of orange and apple cut into cubes and saccharified with fruits kept in marinade of rum and cognac at least two hours, then drain well. Cream mix with powdered sugar until a thick fluffy mass. In wide stemware put pieces of different fruits and cover with 1 tbsp whipped cream. Were added again and the fruit are covered with cream. Salad garnish with a few sweet cherries and sprinkle with nuts and chocolate. Rum and cognac of pickled fruits are served in small cups as a cocktail.
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30 Nov 2008