Potato patties with caviar

Submitted by enr on 11 Aug 2009
25 g caviar
700 g potatoes
1 onion
1 crushed biscuit (or about 2 tbsp breadcrumbs)
7 g salt
200 ml sunflower oil for frying
Caviar is cleared from the veins and crushed with a fork. Cook potatoes and mash pressed. Add in eggs. Chop finely grate grater. Kneaded together with finely chopped parsley, dill and crushed biscuit. Add salt mixture and stir well and it shaped oblong meatballs. Fry in highly preheated oil and served with a salad.
0 users
11 Aug 2009
Modern home kitchen


Very good meatballs. I also do them, but instead put potato flour or breadcrumbs. I'll try and potatoes.

What I do not understand ... Taramas caviar is well, but for what it is stripped? And drying there is that to be able to grind? It's very interesting! Moreover, very often buy Taramas basement, did not know that might otherwise be made with red caviar!

non-greasy and appetizer buy: -)

Rally, imagine you have just caught fish. When cleaning unplug caviar, which is wrapped in skin with veins. These are the veins. When I do not mash meatballs caviar.

and to supplement. Once I pulled caviar nice it salt, leave it to mature and then shatter. For Taramas never heard, I tarama precisely this salted caviar, which is ready to break - in no case is the red caviar from sturgeon.

& # 964; & # 945; & # 961; & # 945; & # 956; & # 940; & # 962 ;, taramas is caviar, Greek. Also Taramas or Taramosalata & # 964; & # 945; & # 961; & # 945; & # 956; & # 959; & # 963; & # 945; & # 955; & # 940; & # 964; & # 945; is the defeated with mayonnaise appetizer with bread to eat. Incorrectly called Tarama. Sturgeon caviar is the most expensive in the world and is black. I do not know if he says Greek taramas, but as this is the word *caviar*? But now I realized what was going on in the recipe:-)))

Today I have something very leveraged. Rather than write salmonids wrote sturgeon. Apparently I'd been friends, caviar.

I make meatballs with carp roe or taranka.Sure would be nice and red caviar.Misse that every non-fragmented caviar says *tarama*.So drive in Greek.In my book it says *caviar tarama*.Sapuga I love them, I am no fan of caviar.