1 cup Rice
1/2 cabbage
2 onions
2 tbsp sunflower oil
2 tomatoes

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Chop the onion finely and stew in fat. Add finely chopped cabbage, salt and pepper. The mixture stew gently and pour 3 cups hot water. Boil for 20 minutes, followed by addition of the rice. The dish is left to simmer, stirring often. Shortly before the end of boiling, add the peeled and chopped tomatoes, and with them the dish is cooked for a few minutes. Serve once cooled down.
6 users
My favorite cabbage with rice.
recipe is great. sometimes put everything in raw baking pan and bake in the oven, but the pot is faster.
uhh, I love cabbage with rice will do it soon! And because I have only one pot and I feel quite small (only cook for two people), I think after strangling cabbage, transfer it to a baking dish and there to put rice and tomatoes and do it in a pan.
It was a great meal! I love it! It is very tasty! I did it in the baking pan after VWP cabbage. Very good recipe, thanks! :-)
I do it with sauerkraut, but again becomes very tasty. Add his broth (chicken or beef), and if I do not quite lean as it put bake sausage, a favorite dish for the winter!
Someone you cooked it, I do not cook yesterday, but please do not put recipes that you have not tried, no one wants to waste time and products. I love my delicious rice in the case is a lot, becomes a amazing mess, and in another, they cabbage recipe give it twice to the same little rice. Happy Chef quite cheer us up tonight, all the trash. If rice is twice less (on average cabbage -1ch. H) think that will happen. Was only rice. This recipe which has put greater chef-beware. Do not do such experiments. If you liked someone, and is every persons right to not taste it?
diva, of course, everyone has their own taste :) This is not a specified amount of cabbage, I cooked in this recipe many times already and it was very tasty! I do not remember now what size cabbage I put other cabbages I bought, eye appreciating how much cabbage to put to 1 cup rice. But eating it very tasty.
Very, very tasty! I love cabbage, but rarely think to cook. Greetings for the recipe!
Great cooked meal, often present in our menu. I am of the opinion that the amount of rice is a matter of taste. I love rice. In principle, a large cabbage put 2 to 2i1 / 2 h. H. Rice. Never became a mess.
recipe is great. At these levels, mash it only if boiled rice. Try brown rice - becomes more fragrant, and more difficult to overdo it with boiled rice.