4 eggs
500 g yogurt
1 tsp baking soda
350 g of crumbled feta cheese
500-600 g flour

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Eggs are broken. Add the yogurt, which is placed soda. Add crumbled feta cheese. Mix well. Add the flour. Messi soft dough that is formed small pirozhki shaped meatball - long and thin (when fried, enlarge double). The pirozhki fry in heated sunflower oil - most -well are in deep fryer.
7 users
made them and became very very quickly and easily. Thanks for the recipe!
They are very tasty and quick to make.
I tried :) are wonderful. Very quickly become easy and very delicious! Thank you!
Many are delicious, made quickly and easily! I recommend them! :)
But I do them with yeast, because houses do not like anything done with soda. Are the same as many are delicious!
And I do them with yeast. With yeast become good, but it's a matter of taste :)
I just made them. Miracles!
Ivcheto, congratulations for the recipe! Very tasty!
recipe certainly is very nice and I would try it, but made thus snacks are called non pies and canoes. There is a difference. Patty made from puff pastry with yeast and baked, not fried. Just such a recipe for pies, and I was looking for so I came across yours. However, I will make them, although in our family so fried food preparation is extremely rare.
dany_m, small pasta pies are slightly elongated snacks that are baked or fried and are usually made of yeast dough. Pie is greater than the patty may be a puff or shortbread or a yeast dough, a filling, and more often roasted - more like pie.
I just did them little play around and made them shapes of animals with their children is interesting, as were wonderful taste and the type