white meat chicken 1
2 tbsp natural starch
egg white 1
2 onions
2 carrots
200 g cabbage
1 green pepper
2 red peppers
200 g cucumber
1 cup rice
light soy sauce
100 ml sunflower oil

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Chicken meat is cut across the muscle fiber into thin slices. On it is poured egg white, sprinkle starch and mix well by hand. Leave aside. Boil the rice in salted water, cool well with cold water and drain. Onion cut into crescents, carrot sticks, cabbage strips, peppers and cucumbers - also sticks. Sgoreshtyava is the oil in a frying pan (if wok - even better) and added one after the other vegetables in the order they are listed. The aim is to be lightly fried and remain crunchy. Drained from the oil and place on the rice. The rest of the sunflower oil, again well heated, pour meat and stir in the first three minutes to not decompose the formed crust of starch and egg white. After stirring, cook until all the pieces are white meat, salt it lightly and pour over rice with vegetables. Serve sprinkled with soy sauce to taste. can be made with pork or veal, or a combination of the three, total about 500
1 user
I, for my husband, who is yazvadzhiya, vegetables concoct almost complete readiness, otherwise it hurts plague. I want to say that you did not like crunching vegetables, not a problem to cook them completely. Also: do not be scared of fried cucumber, just she and fried cabbage give spetsifichniyati and interesting taste of the dish.
Yes, Gigi, you're right for cucumber and cabbage. I put rice in my apple and ginger and sweet and sour sauce (even when cooking) became marvelously with apple. Added and cashews. Incredibly delicious.
Shtes agree with your opinions. I meat cut it julienne soak it in soy sauce, a little vodka and mustard becomes super. Soon I bought a wok pan and only now realized how much is needed in the kitchen.