14 g 40 g dry or fresh yeast
800 g flour +200 g to knead
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
4 + 1 egg white (yolk exude spreads)
220 ml lukewarm water
350 g of crumbled feta cheese
100 g soft butter or margarine
seeds for sprinkling of your choice

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Involved dough of flour, yeast (I use dry yeast), salt, sugar, eggs (previously beaten) and water . You should get tight but elastic dough. On a lightly floured surface Roll the dough into a square. Greased with plenty of butter and sprinkle 1/3 of the feta cheese. I Sprinkle with poppy seeds. Folding the ends against each other in the form of a letter envelope. Again with a rolling pin to a square. Careful of the corners of folds not flow butter, nice pressuring them. Mazhem again with butter, sprinkle with 1/3 feta cheese and poppy seed. The third folding, rolling out, spreading, sprinkle with feta cheese and seeds. Folding the bag last pay envelope with folded down and put it in the tray, which we previously smeared with butter and dusted with flour. Cut into squares and smeared with egg yolk mixed with 1 tbsp sunflower oil. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake in the cold oven to 170C degrees, medium grill with fan. If the top crust becomes golden, but think that it needs more baking, cover with a sheet of aluminum foil and finish cooking until dry stick. * Recommend to a tray 23h24 cm if you want high tutmanik. Mine was 28 cm and the tutmanik blossomed like a flower. * I cut it in different ways. You can see it as the pictures and the link that I mentioned as the source. There are also photos - step by step.
22 users
Very beautiful and apititno!
You will forgive me for misspelling, ladies! Well it so happens rush - instead apItit appetite. :) Definitely on Sunday will try this beauty.
Super will be happy to share if you appeal to the taste juli. d. And to clarify something you just noticed, but I no longer allowed to edit:
Under * I did it differently * I mean cutting a cheese cake.
Terrific. Ham lazily, yet tasty.
We are very glad that you liked ... I love lazy, fast and delicious recipes :) juli. d, iTunes and snimchitsa to see him
I've done it a few times and always strahoten- quick and delicious!
I did it with 800 g of flour and that was a little tvardichko dough - if the flattening was difficult. Guess is the flour, because here it enriched with anything and pasties are not obtained as a Bulgarian meal. Nice recipe - quick and tasty!
sladki64e, cheese cake looks wonderful, I hope a firm dough did not affect the taste and softness. In the link that I mentioned as the source lady wrote that in such cases to the dough can add a few (2-3) tablespoons of lukewarm water.
zllate, appearance went well. It was a little tough, but tasty. Now we will do it again. Last time it interfered in the machine and I could not judge the softness of the dough, I'll do it by hand.
This time became perfect. There were unexpected guests and they also liked it a lot, and even asked for your home :).
Eeeee, congratulations sladki64e. Very glad I did not give up, and this time has become perfect. Another is as it touched a hand ... :) dough
I said I would beat him on the hand, yet put it into the machine. Something I do not like to interfere, especially as there is someone to replace me :). As I look today and will do, is really very tasty and quick. Thanks for the recipe!
No matter how involved, important is the final result :) The pictures are great, cheese cake looks superb.
Perfect get always put flour as it put a sense there is a difference between the various producers.
became a great cheese cake! Messi him hand and took me 800 grams of flour. At home said that he will be doing. I shot him just before baking, then I did. : D Thanks for the recipe!
Ge4i1970, very glad that you like cheese cake. Image before baking looks great and I know how smells and how delicious understand why not managed to snap it then :)
tutmanik became gorgeous! Really prepared quickly (and how quickly eaten ... :)
-loving ... renito, really has become gorgeous.
magnificent rose and delicious. :)
tutmanik very pleased the whole family! I personally my taste resembled a croissant with cheese! The recipe will definitely keep in folder *Favorites*, and thanks for sharing!
Well, you did not shoot every time, as I do ... :) Great recipe, zllate!
Girls recipe is really great, I'm happy that I found her, that she shared with you and I am glad that reaping such a success ... Great cheese cakes are made will take and I jerked one these days :)
Thank you for this quick and easy recipe. Tutmanik became great.
cheese cake for dinner, what more delicious than that ?! In filling added and zeleniyka, I think I get great! :)
perunika, cheese cake looks great. I have not thought until now it adds something Zelenka, a great idea will take. cveti. 1974, very glad that you are liked :)
Thanks for gold! :)
-Retseptata I loved it and I could not wait to try it! That was quick and easy and while grilling so swelled and filled baking pan that itself praised all what I master:) is baked and pulled from the oven habit spray it with water and screw it with a towel (to go levels). After 5 min. It uncovered and horror! - Had spushil and flattened in the middle! Upload a photo and you can see, I do not know why it happened so if she is because it sprayed with water? Well, otherwise it was great to taste and eat quickly, I hope my next experience is more successful :)
Diddka, I do not believe is that you spray it with water, the other will cause, but what ...? Lest the yeast was not enough, I use dry kilogram of flour and put two packages of 7 g ... or get it baked at high heat, then rises, takes a nice golden brown and then drop .. .Prepare tutmanik often and I have never had a problem with the recipe. Do not give up, just follow the recipe and hope the second time it worked as it should.
Didka, baked him a stronger oven in the middle remained gletav, for it is flattened! But as it is written zllate, give up :)
Many thanks for your advice and support, of course, that I will try again, because otherwise the cheese cake was very tasty and easy to prepare! :)
Great recipe! :)
Quick, easy and very tasty. Can not go wrong if you prepare this tutmaniche. Many thanks to zlatte-it! I share my first experience.
Today I did it for Souls. This time try different formyane and get well again.
Bravo amazing recipe! Became great cheese cake :)
Today I came across your recipe, I did not know it was there on the site, but I make it a recipe from your source and get a picture because I think that once the recipe is that it does not matter, but I managed it folded in original nachin..tutmanika is really great and tasty, and very easy to prepare, and today as I want to point out this recipe your ..
cheese cake is great. I did it several times and is the favorite of the whole family. Always an excellent result, and does not take long.
For the second time doing this and cheese cake is really incredible! It is not difficult to prepare, or require the presence of who knows what products. Just great! :)
You are great girls :) so glad to have shared the recipe, cheese cakes you are pretty good at.
One favorite, quick recipe with excellent taste! :) I have added 280 ml. eg. milk (total of 500 ml of fluid) and thus increased the flour, to form the side rolls :)
Oleeee viliya, what beauty you create only. Cheese cake looks delightful :)
gold Thanks! :)
unique taste, do it regularly!
Incredible! Have been looking for a recipe, but this is the recipe!
Looking at the comments that everyone has received a great cheese cake, and I again have set ... Make cheese cake for the first time, but rezilat my big :(. I followed the recipe exactly, but the paste was very hard and tedious to shape then. But better, I will try at least once more before I'm sure that it is not-as my fun to interfere. Whether the reason is not very meal-I do not know.
Try only add flour gradually until the average soft dough that does not stick to your hands.
roksana555, after the writing of Milenka! :) As stop you stick to your hands and counter dough flour is absorbed as it ought. One time old grandmothers have said - the dough should be soft, the lower part of the ear! ;) In the recipes are given below - the approximate amount of flour. There is a difference in the flour, species, type and so on.. Good luck dear, do not give up, he will catch the hang of it! ;) :)
Tasty and easy recipe is very good. Thank you. :)
Great recipe.