1 head sour cabbage
500 g pork cooking
1 tbsp paprika
1 tsp pepper (can and peppercorns)
sunflower oil

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Cabbage Wash and cut into small pieces, put it in a pot and mix with red and black pepper and plenty of sunflower oil, sprinkle with a little salt, if necessary, taking care not to compress. If you need the meat is cut into small pieces and add to the cabbage, mix everything again, make up water, not to cover the cabbage, let's below, and put in the oven at 250C degrees until it boils. When it out and see it return to boil for at least 10-15 minutes to boil and then reduce the oven to 150C degrees, leaving it to boil over low heat until ready. There is no need to check often, you will only lose the warmth that he needed to get ready. To be fully prepared meat must be boiled bodily and divided with fork.
1 user
favorite meal of my son. Often do. Do not add salt sauerkraut is salty.
Yes it is, but sometimes depends on this year our cabbage is not as salty and can add a small pinch of salt. Any way you like it;)