1.2 kg chicken
1/3 cup soy sauce
3 tbsplimonov juice
2 tablespoons brown sugar
500 g of minced meat pork - can and mixture
1 onion
2 eggs - raw
1/2 cup finely chopped carrots
1/4 cup raisins or other dried fruits
1/2 cup nastagano Cheddar cheese (cheese, Emmental, Gouda)
1/2 cup bread crumbs
2 skinless sausages
2 tbsp minced meat pickles or very finely chopped
1 tsp garlic powder or 2 cloves crushed garlic
2 eggs - hard boiled
pepper, salt
butter spreads the chicken
optional can add 1/4 cup fresh peas to mince

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Wash and dry chicken. Then boned as the lower legs and wings do not remove bones (in You Tube videos is how boned chicken, I use one clip - Put the already boned chicken in a suitable pan with the meat up - pour it with soy sauce, sprinkle with sugar and finally with lemon juice and leave in the fridge for 2 hours to marinate. Knead your minced meat with chopped onions, carrots, raisins, cheese (the feta cheese), bread crumbs, chopped skinless sausages, pickles, two raw eggs, garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Let her and her to stand in the refrigerator. Put a large piece foil and spread chicken on it. Apply mince evenly over the chicken. Put in the middle of two boiled eggs and fold the chicken and sew it up. Wrap it with fthe oil and then in another sheet foil. Put the chicken in a shallow baking dish and bake 1 hour in preheated oven 180C degrees (maybe with a fan). Then remove the chicken from the oven, remove him fthe oil and return it back into the pan. Apply it with melted butter and return to the oven to bake until toasted get a nice look. Remove it from the oven and allow it to cool. Remove thread. Then transfer to a suitable plate and cut into slices. Serve with a garnish for the season.
0 users
Marianka rich chicken to prepared! :)
lol allegedly drove exactly videoretseptata-became really tasty ..
Thanks to everyone who liked my recipe and have contributed to make it poeditel in the contest for the month. October and will be happy if it out-not sazhalyavate..kopirayte link that I have suggested in the recipe for visually boning chicken -very easy going and I was terrified but get ..