1 (500-600 g) of beef, pork, lamb or beef tripe
1/2 cup (100 ml) vegetable oil
1 cup (200 ml) milk
1 tsp (5 g) red pepper
garlic and vinegar for seasoning

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Tripe is poured boiling water for 2-3 minutes and immediately scraped with a sharp knife from the inside . Then is removed and the outer side, as the stained areas were washed or scraped off with a knife with the skin. Again washed, place in a saucepan and pour cold water. Boil taking up permanent water. For cooking beef tripe required 3-7 hours, 2-3 hours, veal, lamb about - 30 to 60 minutes. While boil belly should be covered with water. Boiled tripe is removed from the pan and chopped into pieces, add salt and broth and boil for another 15-20 minutes, to which is added red pepper, milk and fat. When serving in the dishes put on chopped tripe and pour hot broth. Spice is served separately crushed garlic and vinegar.
8 users
I love this recipe. And really pleasant taste.
The result will be even better if instead of vegetable oil use oil. Before we add red pepper to the soup, slightly fry it in oil.
If apart from red pepper sauteed in butter a little flour to thicken the soup broth becomes more delicious. Gradually with stirring add the broth or milk before spill in the boiling broth. I would fry before the flour and little finely chopped onion to taste. You have to boil for at least 10-15 minutes with flour to kill the taste of cooked flour. Braised red peppers add just before removing from heat. Do not forget that the secret of good tripe soup is: do not overdo with washing belly.
magic recipe.
1. Soup is made only of beef and tripe. Pork is for dogs. Lamb is thin and smelly. Even better is to boil a piece of veal shank with bone - gives the density of the broth and no need flour. Pepper always fry with butter, margarine is a dirty word. Otherwise the soup is as washed. Milk is pre-cooked and strained - or you can cross. Enjoy your meal.
Very nice recipe.
All you have missed the most important thing! Even in the recipe is omitted, which is absolutely unacceptable! This is the most important thing, without which tripe is only half-a beer! Yes! Beer must!
It's great!
In real-tripe soup is not put flour! Should feel the taste of milk and butter.
Great recipe. I think improves the taste of the broth, if finally make thickener with one or two eggs (yolks only) and a couple of spoons of yogurt. Try it, you'll like it.
Very good recipe.
Great recipe.
To make a delicious broth put it a few unpeeled garlic cloves. Boiled thickener of fried flour, yogurt and egg yolk, overflows with broth is much more delicious than fresh milk, finally fry oil with red pepper (maybe a little hot) and put into each cup. Enjoy your meal.
I agree with Joy from Atlanta and Rumen Alexandrov from Sofia is made with beef or beef tripe and thus thicken with butter and red pepper, milk necessarily otherwise great taste is gone. We are home race in which up to make a delicious soup! Enjoy your meal in all this is a great active Bulgarian dish ....
Do not expose to put flour and eggs in the gut. Oil, red pepper and milk is all that is needed. And garlic and vinegar. And a lot of beer.
There are some shortcomings: 1. Cleaning - rub with lime powder and then pour hot water to fall on all impurities - easy! 2./ BUILD is made only with milk. 5. Grate fresh carrot, fry it in vegetable oil until coloring roux, squeeze of fresh carrots and broth paint! The rest is a quality brandy in season - burning or cold - ha cheers!
Only Maya of Plovdiv is absolutely right. In this way the broth gets really good.
If pork tripe, to thicken the soup can be boiled and two legs and two ears that are placed in the broth as desired. It is better to be fried and a little flour. Becomes super. With lots of garlic.
Tripe soup is super yummy. I tried different recipes and all are excellent. But paws and ears for patch - which is also very good.
I think the recipe is super. Now cook pork tripe and becomes very tasty. The one who says that pork tripe is only for dogs is a little confused. For example, I hate beef and and their products, and what 'Now, do not eat the tripe soup?
Cook beef or lamb / sheep / tripe and cook enough. The rest is in the hands of cooking :)
And do not forget, cook in the broth from boiled bones, preferably bovine. You will see how much more delicious it :)
All you tried with comments and advice, I will not surprise you with anything new, I'll just add that I was surprised as I realized that not only do we eat this soup. Fraternal Georgian people too, but it boiled together with legs - became one zhaltichak broth, not only tasty, but also useful for people with bone problems. It turned out there so treat named hash.
Everyone told preferences, I will only add that I agree with uncle Mancho of Pleven, replace paprika fried with shredded carrot to get the gluten and fry it.
pork pine (tripe) became the best because it does not smell them. Beef and how to clean it again its stinks.
This is a real recipe for soup.
Many Bulgarian, genuine and delicious!
The soup is wonderful, but you need to add bake flour to thicken.
Well, what is it with you, so you do tripe, this is naked water, which tried my soup says that not eaten more delicious. BUILD is made of: broken eggs boiled milk 1, 2 lie to. Yogurt 1, 2 lie to. Flour to this mixture and pour the sauce after cooking (which is boiled with allspice, daf. Leaf, pepper) already strained!
Besides us and Romanians in Argentina eat this soup! And I like Stefan will ask you how long boil in a pressure cooker?
Dear lovers of tripe and colleagues comments in this magnificent site! Claiming that thicken the broth, there are serious gaps in mastering the intricacies cooking! Tripe not thicken, no eggs, yogurt, allspice, and bay leaves! For better density broth put 1-2 feet or knuckle. I join the opinion of Rumen and uncle Mancha. Garlic and vinegar, lyutichko sweating second degree and fighting with beer - this is the key! As for pressure cooking, if the ox was a middle-aged, sufficient hour and a half hours! Well let's go to put paunch boil that my salivary secretion flowed like *Niagara*!
Tripe soup is great, but only with boiled thickener (only yolks, yogurt and flour). Broth to be only calf shanks. Enjoy your tasty.
Comments (9.Tony) is very straight (a) that the flour is not sllaga, but when it comes to beer as an integral part of its consumption, then brandy with tripe is something incredibly delicious. Any fry meal and similar crap away classic tripe soup from the truth. It is for this unique and it fried with flour becomes like any other bean soup.
In relation to the shank bone and only cut or broken is added to boiling paunch. Bone marrow gives strength and is very useful. Instead, red pepper, grated carrot stew to yellow fat and then through a strainer and add to the finished built broth. It is rich in carotene, and very helpful. Enjoy your meal.
tripe always cook with lard otherwise recipe is right above below.
Now I read everything I see a mistake! Of red pepper, fat and milk sepravi roux as milk shall be equal to the broth as kolochestvo.
Great recipe, however, is really good to fried flour and density.
tripe in the first place for sober when your hungover from the night before. This is the great Bulgarian dish with which each of us is proud of the world.
Mmmm tasty! But I have mixed fat (lard, butter, oil and margarine) and zaparzhih inside paprika. Become super!
classic recipe, great, well done!
Take my recipe. In saucepan melt 80-100 g. Butter, fry with red pepper, 1-2 tablespoons flour, followed by addition of 2 l. milk / mozhe5050 milk-broth /. Add salt and boiled and chopped 1 kg. tripe / sell and ready cooked /. Optionally, you can put 1-2 cloves crushed garlic and dry, hot pepper. When serving put a lot of crushed garlic mixed with vinegar.
and I want to share how we prepare our favorite tripe soup that Eat necessarily rakiytsa. And so: Once boiled tripe in salted water, cut into pieces and return to pot. Make a thickener: Beat 1-2 eggs, yogurt / I put the whole pot because I add plenty of flour to make a thick - so we like / and flour. After boil about 5 minutes, fry red pepper and immediately added to the broth. Simmer for 1-2 minutes and cooled down put chopped garlic with a little vinegar. Served as wishing her spiced with cayenne pepper, black pepper. This is my tripe soup and if you try I'm sure you will not regret. What is paunch think does not matter. Bon appetite and Cheers! Necessarily rakiytsa!
most colorful Bulgarian dish! :) And I do like cveti_3108 - exactly one to one!
But ... taste and the color burdened net! :)
This is the true recipe for tripe-soup. Everything else is improvisation. We did it faithfully in a given recipe and ate, ate, ate .... mmm ... delicious!
You're all right! Each has its own recipe and unifying is SHTKEMBETO! I will not comment roux! To avoid the smell of offal put until boil broth 20-30 g brandy not smell then and is dvaryava faster! Enjoy your meal!
roux: oil 50 g flour added to the boiling broth 1lt milk is poured into the broth after povryal 15 minutes with flour, 100 grams cr oil and braised red pepper is poured after the broth is removed from the heat and mix.
these quant First are two kg tripe and around 3-4lt broth -10 servings
I have a question - tripe soup and no bitterness if you use the same broth in which it is boiled tripe?
I use tripe is sold ready cut and lightly cooked or scalded. if another should probably other treatment.
In the same way you cook it, Danny?